Mr Sachin Ambekar,
Bayshore Park

I started learning swimming at my age of 36. Better late than never. because of some incident in my childhood I had a fear of water for a long time. Ken not only helped me overcome the fear but in mere 2 session and 2 days of practice I have actually started swimming. In the begining he taught me some relaxation and breathing exercises which helped me a lot to re-build the confidence. It's a wonderful feeling! Now I am looking forward to learn as much as possible about swimming. Not just swimming but survival techniques, diving and all that we can do in water. Thanks a lot Ken. You are the best coach I have ever seen

Mr & Mrs Farouk Khan,
Santuary Green

My wife and I are both beginners learning at a different pace and Coach Ken has done an excellent job of customizing lessons to meet our specific needs. In a short number of lessons Ken has helped me overcome my water phobia and has taught me the Breaststroke, I am now on to more advanced swimming strokes. My wife is learning at a slower pace, but Ken's a patient and encouraging teacher. I would highly recommend Ken to swimmers of all levels who are looking for an effective and reliable instructor. Ken has already gotten our newborn daughter on the road to becoming comfortable in the water with his water familiarization techniques. Much thanks to you, Ken.

Mr Raghu & Family,
Bayshore Park

I had been very worried that no form of float was to be used but this turned out to be a real bonus. What I have achieved at each lesson I know I have really accomplished with no doubt hanging over me as in the past when it had always been "will I be able to do this when the floats are taken away". I have learnt and am confident in the fact that the only support I need is good deep breaths. Thanks to Kenneth for all the support. Thank you most sincerely for the informative weekend and I wish you every success for the future. Best wishes to you.

Mrs Lim, Bishan

Dear Kenneth, my two kids, Wei Liang & Jia Liang are the extreme in terms of Character & Personality. I have 4 past Swim Instructors that could not handle both of my kids. Kenneth surprised me assuring that within 8 lessons, my kids would be eating out of his hands. True enough, by the 6 lessons, he is able to teach my kids swimming and best of all, they are explaining what they have learnt to me every lesson. I must say that Kenneth has a way with children. I also understand that he has gone to some form of training in NLP ( Neuro Lingistic Programming ) which teaches how to " Teach the Child the way they want to be taught ". Just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate you. I remember taking them to the Swimming Complex for his first swimming lessons with you, and now he is doing his bronze award. Thank you for giving us a healthy respect for water and safety.

Ms Tracy Lui,
Bayshore Park

At the relatively ripe old age of 34, I have proven that it's never too late to learn how to swim - and I have Kenneth to thank for it. His unending patience and postive encouragement has worked its magic on me and I am on my way to perfecting the breaststroke. I would recommend anyone to sign up for private swimming lessons with Kenneth, it's definitely worth the investment.

Mrs Cindy, Chateau Elisa

I'm still in shock really, I can now see my 2 children enjoy the water and swim instead of sitting on the side wishing. Never in my wildest dreams did I think anyone could teach my kids to swim in such a short time. Thanks Kenneth from the bottom of my heart. So next time I will ask my friends' children to learn from your expert coaching skills.

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